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Our Special Needs

Your support is very much appreciated -- no matter how small! 
Please help us reach the Navajo children for Jesus!
How can I help?  
Here are the projects for 2024

Total Expenses per month  
Student Expense per student/month- High School 
Student Expense per student/month- Elementary
Student Transportation per month
Propane Expenses per month
Staff Stipends
Other Operating Expenses per month
Current Projects
Water tower project - provide water to Dine'
New Tractor to repair roads, garden, other
Staff Houses/Church windows--Ongoing
​Safety Program/Kitchen Fire Suppression
Painting and other ongoing maintenance
Temporary staff housing  (camper, tiny house, etc.)


about $ 42,000
1, 000

La Vida Mission is able to operate due to the generosity of many caring people. To give a gift , just click the donate button or
​(If you are giving to a specific  project, 
please mark your gift with that project     name).

Gifts Via Mail:
La Vida Mission
P.O. Box 3308
Farmington, NM 87499-3308

UPS deliveries:
La Vida Mission
700 County Rd 7730,  Lake Valley Area
Crownpoint, NM 87313​
Contribution Via Secure Site​ -- 
You can give via your personal PayPal account or by credit card. Just click on the gift "Donate" button.   
LaVida Mission is a 501(c)3
non-profit corporation so your gift is tax-deductible

LaVida Missions, Inc. (c) 2024

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